Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sign up for Websites

I found that if you sign up for baby company websites, they will send you pretty great coupons and alerts deals! I would recommend singing up for at least these companies: (sign up for all the diapers companies when you are pregnant as you don't know which diaper your baby will end up using) (again, sign up for all the formula companies when you are pregnant as you don't know which one your child will take to best)

I'm sure there are many more that I can't think of off hand. Basically, any site where you can get a membership means you'll probably get coupons in the mail or even product samples, craft ideas etc. It will help around birthday and Christmas time as well. Toys R Us offers a rewards program which is free. If you are formula feeding, I know Similac sends you $5 off coupons every couple of weeks until you child is about a year old.

Hint: Have your mom, sister, grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother-in-law and anyone else in your family to sign up as well. When they receive the coupons in the mail, you've multiplied your discounts!